I is for Identify Why You're Here
Mindfulness Meditation 1:
Now that you’ve Located where you are in your financial journey, you are going to Identify your WHY. This is a time to dig deeper. Be sure to not rush through this section, and find a quiet spot to truly think through these questions.
As you locate where you are here financially, you will invariably touch on questions humanity has always asked in the larger sense of our purpose. You may want to write out or voice memo your thoughts on WHY you are here in relation to your life purpose. You may also like to pray, listening carefully for guidance. You DO have a purpose. You are not an accident - you have a destiny and a reason for living. Financial pressure can make us feel discouraged, but your life has a deeper meaning and if you seek it, you will find it.
Mindfulness Meditation 2:
Action Steps:
Log in daily to all your bank accounts and credit cards. Scan through your debits/credits. Check for any errors, things you forgot you bought, or just get a general picture of where the money is going. Be sure there are no fraud charges. Watch the balance and think through what other checks or payments might be coming up or have not cleared yet.
Write down a BIG number for how much money it would take to accomplish your Big Dream. It could be six figures or more that it would take to accomplish your Dream or create your Dream Lifestyle. Don’t be shy. Write it down anyway. It will start your mind thinking about possibilities and how to create them in the future.