It only takes ONE bold step to change everything!

Maybe you have always wanted to get ahead.

Maybe you have always known you were created for something more. Something important.

Or maybe you are tired of living paycheck-to-check. You know it’s time to get off that hamster wheel.

You’re in the right spot! That ONE step you’ve been looking for - it’s right here.

It’s time to LIVE Ahead Now!

After this Financial Self-Care Journey, you’ll feel more MINDFUL & EMPOWERED in your money, your goals, and your life!

LIVE Ahead Micro Course

Start here Video 1

It’s time to make your Money Map and Start the Journey!

Our Vision

  • Money Mindfulness

    Breathe deep. Making space. Taking time to become more Mindful about Money is vital to Map where you want to go!

  • Financially Intelligence

    This is a skill that is LEARNED. No one is born with it. Growth is possible and takes intential effort. But it’s possible. All things are possible!

  • Massive Action

    This is not leap first ask questions later - not at all! This is learn first, take a BIG Jump, and Live Ahead. Live YOUR purpose and make it NOW!

Other trailblazers who chose to Live Ahead…

“Knowing that we have the money to pay for our bills at the beginning of the month eases anxiety!”

– Charley & Carrie Kinnison, Entrepreneurs and parents to 4 children.

“The knowledge and practical tools gained through Living Ahead have forever changed how we view our finances!

– Ryan & Tiffany Sagraves, self-employed parents of twins